
3 Aug 2015

Why you should own a home over renting a property?

Buying a property or renting one is a tough decision to make for any person who does not own a property in today’s time! Buying a property is probably one of the toughest financial decisions you need to take in life. But, how do you decide whether buying a property is the right decision for you right now or renting a property at this point of time will be a better option for you?

This is a perplexed situation wherein deciding to buy a home or rent a home creates a lot of difficulties in planning your finances for the future. Hence, today we are going to help you know the two sides of the coin. The below are the benefits of owning your home:
  • Once you are done with making the payment for the property you just bought, it will remain yours and it can be worth far more than how much you paid for your home.
  • Buying a home is better as the value of the property you buy tends to appreciate with time, which you can use as an equity to help yourself afford a bigger home or to even fund yourself for a more comfortable retirement home.
  • At the time of retirement you will not have to worry about paying rent and if you have completely paid the mortgaged amount by that time, then, you will be staying in your home rent free. You would not necessarily have the income you need to keep on paying the rent of a home, hence, owning your home will help you secure your post retirement life from financial crisis.
  • You can renovate your own home, design it the way you want it to look like, spend money as you wish to improve your home and keep adding to the overall value of the home, unlike in a rented home where you cannot alter anything in the space without the landlord’s permission.
  • At times, buying a property proves to be cheaper than spending money on paying rent for a living space over a long period of time.

Hence, hoping that these pointers help you understand the positive side of buying a property. We shall discuss some of the drawbacks of buying a property in our upcoming posts. Till then, stay tuned!


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